Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Sugar Triangle - Part 4

Part 4 - Sugar Triangle No More

Several days after my conversation with Alice, she posted this on the sugar forum: 

Bob is the most kind and considerate man I had ever known and generous sugardaddie I almost had. He was genuinely concerned and offered advice, guidance, or occasional financial assistance when the times were right. He was most respectful toward me and other women in general.

I knew he had a sugarbabie and that she did not have as much time to spend with him as he desired allegedly due to her normal job and her child. I knew he cared for her very much and yet I tried to come between them.

In discussions with others from the SD website I obtained information that perhaps all her time she could not spend with him was not with her child or her job. That she had other sugardaddies for additional fun.  I visited him and gave him what I believed to be true evidence of her seeing others. I knew this would upset him and I don't know if I was truly trying to keep from hurting him more in the long run or if I was greedy and wanted more for me.

As it turned out, he truly was upset. He and she had some heated discussions over the phone. Some of the times that had been given to me when she was allegedly seeing others was actually traveling with him, or visiting his home.

The bottom line is that I was cordially asked by him to fly back to my home that evening and not call, write, or come back ever again. He and she are a stronger couple now than they were before and both their profiles have been changed on the website to indicate they have found their one.

I was cautioned not to do anything stupid by some on the board. I was told not to interfere and just be the best I could when he was with me. I allowed myself the delusion that I knew better and that he would end up being devoted to me. Evidently I still have a long way to go toward maturity.

What did I learn? No matter how good your intentions or motives do not try to get between an established couple. Be sure of your facts, and find a sly way to make them know when the time is right. Also do some real soul searching to find out what your intentions truly are.

Some day I hope to find someone as nice as he was, is, and will continue to be!

I specifically advised her not to confront him when she went to visit him but she did anyway.  I don't know who else she talked to about her situation, but everything I told her was based on my own experience which I knew to be accurate.  Somebody else may have given her bad information or passed on gossips and rumors.  What a tangled web we weave!!

Coming up - the happy ending?


  1. This triangle is very interesting but Guru... I am dying to know what happened with the girl that pissed in the alley..roflmao.. please tell me

  2. I got some hostile responses after I posted part 2 of the girl who pissed in the alley, so I decided to remove it. Some people take me way too seriously!

  3. Darn it Guru, you must of posted part 2 when I was in and yes people take many things way to serious as I have learned but observing peoples reactions is always good as it gives insight into how drama they are willing to
