Part 9 - The Stolen Camera
After the Caribbean trip I thought that would be the final chapter on Laine. But noooo... there would be a little more to it and why wasn't I surprised.
After I discovered that she stole my disposable camera I was pretty upset. But I decided not to do anything about it at the time and see what would happen. A week after our trip she sent me an email asking me to send her the pics, as if I still had the camera. I wrote back saying that she must be joking because she is the one that should send pics to me. We exchanged a few more emails and she finally admitted that she did steal the camera and offered to get the pictures developed then send the photo CD and negatives to me by mail.
I told her I'll be in town for business and we can meet for dinner and she can give it to me in person. She wasn't sure if she wanted to meet but finally agreed. Then we talked on the phone for the first time since the trip and we talked for almost two hours. As usual I don't know if I can believe everything she says. She said she is done with escorting on the side and will "retire". She has used the money she made to buy a new house and that's her investment. I reminded her that she still has the brokerage account I opened for her but she hasn't used it yet. She told me to go ahead and move some money from her bank account to the brokerage account to get a better return and I did that for her. It was an interesting conversation and it showed that we were still "connected" at some level and there was still some trust.
When I arrived to see her she came to pick me up at the airport like she has always done before. But I noticed that she was wearing a brand new outfit with a red Bebe top, designer jeans rolled up at the ankle, and a pair of red stiletto pumps to match her top. I guess all this must be from the shopping spree at Bebe that she mentioned her new SD took her to last time. In the car we talked some more and continued our conversation. She made no mention of any of the new guys and told me that she will be moving to start a new job next month. Whatever. It's just her normal randomness and for all I know she could be making it all up.
Then we talked about her outfit and she said facetiously that she wanted to look unattractive for me, and I said she is doing a very good job. I actually meant it, because even though her top looked sexy, her jeans and the rolled up look was not flattering on her. And the shoes… it's the first time I've seen her wearing four inch heels and she looked uncomfortable walking in them. Of course I didn't tell her all that, but she didn't like my reply and retorted by telling me that she has a hot date with her ex after we have dinner and she wanted to spend as little time with me as possible. What a nice way to rub it in my face! And on top of that she said she forgot to bring the photo CD which made me wonder what kind of games she is playing now.
Coming up... The Train Wreck
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Evolution of a Sugardaddy - Part 7
Part 7 - Where I am today
I'll take a break from writing "The Last Hurrah" and resume the "Evolution of a Sugardaddy" series.
After looking back to see how my approach has evolved, where does that leave me today? As I have mentioned before, during the first three years in the sugar world I got emotionally involved 3 times and 2 of those relationships lasted six months which I considered as "long term" at the time. The first one ended in blackmail (which I'll write more about in a future story titled "Seeking Long Term), the second one broke my heart in "Mixing Love and Sugar", and the third one ended in a train wreck in "The Last Hurrah".
After "The Last Hurrah" I was determined not to get emotionally involved again. I have been much happier ever since and my sugar relationships started to last a lot longer. Since then I had 3 sugar relationships that lasted 6 months which were long distance, and 3 more that lasted for more than a year that were local. In between there were several cases of one and done's or the arrangement fizzled out after a few meetings. I don't consider anything less than 3 months as a "relationship", it's more like an experiment that didn't work out. All of the arrangements were financially based instead of gifts/travel. I think I have finally found the key to success in the sugar world for my situation!
Currently I'm happy with the sugars I have and I'm not actively looking for more. Whenever my current sugar relationships come to an end (they all end eventually), I'll probably decide to take a break for a while. I appreciate those who have inquired about my current status and I'm flattered by those who have expressed interest to meet in person. For now I'd prefer to keep my privacy and keep a low profile, and share my experiences and learn from others through my blog and the SeekingArrangement blog.
In the next part I'll summarize the key lessons learned during my years of sugar experience. I can say I have finally put those lessons to good use and that's where I am today. I'm sure there are still new lessons to be learned and my approach will continue to evolve over time.
Coming up - lessons learned in the sugar world.
I'll take a break from writing "The Last Hurrah" and resume the "Evolution of a Sugardaddy" series.
After looking back to see how my approach has evolved, where does that leave me today? As I have mentioned before, during the first three years in the sugar world I got emotionally involved 3 times and 2 of those relationships lasted six months which I considered as "long term" at the time. The first one ended in blackmail (which I'll write more about in a future story titled "Seeking Long Term), the second one broke my heart in "Mixing Love and Sugar", and the third one ended in a train wreck in "The Last Hurrah".
After "The Last Hurrah" I was determined not to get emotionally involved again. I have been much happier ever since and my sugar relationships started to last a lot longer. Since then I had 3 sugar relationships that lasted 6 months which were long distance, and 3 more that lasted for more than a year that were local. In between there were several cases of one and done's or the arrangement fizzled out after a few meetings. I don't consider anything less than 3 months as a "relationship", it's more like an experiment that didn't work out. All of the arrangements were financially based instead of gifts/travel. I think I have finally found the key to success in the sugar world for my situation!
Currently I'm happy with the sugars I have and I'm not actively looking for more. Whenever my current sugar relationships come to an end (they all end eventually), I'll probably decide to take a break for a while. I appreciate those who have inquired about my current status and I'm flattered by those who have expressed interest to meet in person. For now I'd prefer to keep my privacy and keep a low profile, and share my experiences and learn from others through my blog and the SeekingArrangement blog.
In the next part I'll summarize the key lessons learned during my years of sugar experience. I can say I have finally put those lessons to good use and that's where I am today. I'm sure there are still new lessons to be learned and my approach will continue to evolve over time.
Coming up - lessons learned in the sugar world.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Last Hurrah - Part 8
Part 8 - "Goodbye My Lover"
After the waves washed away the heart in the sand, we went back to our room and started packing. She wanted to go back to town and buy some knock off name brand handbags for her friends and family. So we made a stop on the way to the airport for her to browse the street vendors one more time. It took a while for her to finally pick out what she wanted to get. She was especially happy with a black Chanel handbag and wallet she got for her mom, saying that she will put $1k cash in it and give it to her for Christmas. Only if her mom knew where the money came from! she also got a few tropical clothing items and got her hair braided.
By now we're cutting it close so we headed to the airport. While at the airport I told her there are a few shots left in the disposable camera and I'd like to take some shots before we get on the plane. It's a small airport and there is no jet bridge, so we actually have to go on the tarmac and take a stair to get on the plane. While we were out on the tarmac I took a picture of her in front of the plane with the mountains in the background. And then I asked another passenger to take a picture of us together. When he gave the camera back to me she tried to grab it but I took it from her and put it in my briefcase.
During the flight to Miami she slept for a bit, and when she woke up she asked me to send the pics to her when I get them developed. I told her I'll think about it. I also told her that I made a slideshow using the pics I took of her previously and I also have pics of some of the women I've been with. So naturally she wanted to see them. While looking through the pics she didn't say much other than that they are very pretty. Then I showed her the slide show made of her pics with captions of things she said to me in the past, set to the music of "And Then We Kiss" by Britney Spears which is one of her favorite songs. The slide show posed the question "Who is the real Laine?" and it went through a series of pics and captions that showed her as a "Sweet, caring, hard working girl next door", "Selfish, game playing, drama queen", and "Greedy, demanding, high priced escort." As she watched the slideshow I reminded her of the sweet things she used to say to me and the way things were in the beginning. She didn't show much reaction but I'm sure I got my point across.
After we got to Miami we hang out in the airline lounge to wait for our next flight. This is when she told me that she has picked "Goodbye My Lover" by James Blunt to be "our song". And she sang a couple of lines from the chorus "Goodbye my lover, goodbye my friend". I didn't know the song so I didn't know what it was about, but thought it strange that she would pick a song with that title. She also said that it was good to have "closure" between us, which took me by surprise she would say things like that. Who needs "closure" when it's all about money? When it's time for me to board my flight, she walked me to the gate and we hugged and she kissed me on both cheeks and said goodbye, then walked away. And just like that she was out of my life. Or was she?
Well, she still gets the last laugh. After I got home I found two surprises. The first one is that she stole the disposable camera from my brief case. I'm not sure if she thought it was a harmless prank or there was something more sinister to it. That's why I have no pictures from the trip and I know I took some pretty good ones. The second surprise was the lyrics from the song which I have copied below. Why drew the heart in the sand and share such an emotional song with me on our last day?
She was playing games until the very end. That's just how she is, that's the real Laine.
The end?
"Goodbye My Lover" by James Blunt
Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.
I still get goose bumps and think of her every time I hear this song.
After the waves washed away the heart in the sand, we went back to our room and started packing. She wanted to go back to town and buy some knock off name brand handbags for her friends and family. So we made a stop on the way to the airport for her to browse the street vendors one more time. It took a while for her to finally pick out what she wanted to get. She was especially happy with a black Chanel handbag and wallet she got for her mom, saying that she will put $1k cash in it and give it to her for Christmas. Only if her mom knew where the money came from! she also got a few tropical clothing items and got her hair braided.
By now we're cutting it close so we headed to the airport. While at the airport I told her there are a few shots left in the disposable camera and I'd like to take some shots before we get on the plane. It's a small airport and there is no jet bridge, so we actually have to go on the tarmac and take a stair to get on the plane. While we were out on the tarmac I took a picture of her in front of the plane with the mountains in the background. And then I asked another passenger to take a picture of us together. When he gave the camera back to me she tried to grab it but I took it from her and put it in my briefcase.
During the flight to Miami she slept for a bit, and when she woke up she asked me to send the pics to her when I get them developed. I told her I'll think about it. I also told her that I made a slideshow using the pics I took of her previously and I also have pics of some of the women I've been with. So naturally she wanted to see them. While looking through the pics she didn't say much other than that they are very pretty. Then I showed her the slide show made of her pics with captions of things she said to me in the past, set to the music of "And Then We Kiss" by Britney Spears which is one of her favorite songs. The slide show posed the question "Who is the real Laine?" and it went through a series of pics and captions that showed her as a "Sweet, caring, hard working girl next door", "Selfish, game playing, drama queen", and "Greedy, demanding, high priced escort." As she watched the slideshow I reminded her of the sweet things she used to say to me and the way things were in the beginning. She didn't show much reaction but I'm sure I got my point across.
After we got to Miami we hang out in the airline lounge to wait for our next flight. This is when she told me that she has picked "Goodbye My Lover" by James Blunt to be "our song". And she sang a couple of lines from the chorus "Goodbye my lover, goodbye my friend". I didn't know the song so I didn't know what it was about, but thought it strange that she would pick a song with that title. She also said that it was good to have "closure" between us, which took me by surprise she would say things like that. Who needs "closure" when it's all about money? When it's time for me to board my flight, she walked me to the gate and we hugged and she kissed me on both cheeks and said goodbye, then walked away. And just like that she was out of my life. Or was she?
Well, she still gets the last laugh. After I got home I found two surprises. The first one is that she stole the disposable camera from my brief case. I'm not sure if she thought it was a harmless prank or there was something more sinister to it. That's why I have no pictures from the trip and I know I took some pretty good ones. The second surprise was the lyrics from the song which I have copied below. Why drew the heart in the sand and share such an emotional song with me on our last day?
She was playing games until the very end. That's just how she is, that's the real Laine.
The end?
"Goodbye My Lover" by James Blunt
Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.
I still get goose bumps and think of her every time I hear this song.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Last Hurrah - Part 7
Part 7 - The Heart in the Sand
As we continued "the talk", she explained that when I first met her I was at the right place at the right time. She just broke up with her long term SD/BF and started to work 6 days a week. She didn't have a lot of free time and I was willing to go visit her and work around her schedule. She didn't have that many people to talk to so that's why we spent all those hours on the phone. And I'd admit that in a way I did take advantage of the situation and I'm surprised at how long it lasted. But over time she became frustrated because she wasn't getting as much as what her escort friends were getting and she knew she could get more by dabbling as an escort. That blew up after three months when we broke up over a big fight because she thought by being so mean to me we'd both move on.
But to her surprise I came back to her, and she thought if she could continue to be mean to me and still get money from me, then why not. I knew going back to her like that was a mistake, and that's why she told me earlier that she treated me that way because I let her. So in a way it's my own doing and I have no one to blame but myself. I asked her if it was all a game from the beginning, and she said it didn't start out that way but things changed over time. Yeah, things changed, but I didn't.
After that long talk it seems that we were both relieved to get it off our chest. So I started my pussy eating routine again and... By now it was really late and we cuddled and slept in each other's arms knowing that it was our last night together.
On our final day things almost felt like it was back to the good old days. We both got things off our chest and laid it out in the open. Although I'm sure she hasn't told me everything and I didn't like what she had to say, I have heard enough to be content. After our morning routine of a romp in the sack followed by breakfast, we went to the beach one last time. As usual she was frolicking in the water and having a great time while I played along.
We almost got it on again but she wouldn't let me do it this time because there were too many people at the beach. After a while we both lied on the beach just letting the waves crashing into us and playing with the sand. This is when she drew a heart in the sand with our initials in it. I looked into her eyes and asked her why she did that, and before she could answer a wave came and washed it away. And just like that the "moment" was gone....
Coming up - "Goodbye my lover"
As we continued "the talk", she explained that when I first met her I was at the right place at the right time. She just broke up with her long term SD/BF and started to work 6 days a week. She didn't have a lot of free time and I was willing to go visit her and work around her schedule. She didn't have that many people to talk to so that's why we spent all those hours on the phone. And I'd admit that in a way I did take advantage of the situation and I'm surprised at how long it lasted. But over time she became frustrated because she wasn't getting as much as what her escort friends were getting and she knew she could get more by dabbling as an escort. That blew up after three months when we broke up over a big fight because she thought by being so mean to me we'd both move on.
But to her surprise I came back to her, and she thought if she could continue to be mean to me and still get money from me, then why not. I knew going back to her like that was a mistake, and that's why she told me earlier that she treated me that way because I let her. So in a way it's my own doing and I have no one to blame but myself. I asked her if it was all a game from the beginning, and she said it didn't start out that way but things changed over time. Yeah, things changed, but I didn't.
After that long talk it seems that we were both relieved to get it off our chest. So I started my pussy eating routine again and... By now it was really late and we cuddled and slept in each other's arms knowing that it was our last night together.
On our final day things almost felt like it was back to the good old days. We both got things off our chest and laid it out in the open. Although I'm sure she hasn't told me everything and I didn't like what she had to say, I have heard enough to be content. After our morning routine of a romp in the sack followed by breakfast, we went to the beach one last time. As usual she was frolicking in the water and having a great time while I played along.
We almost got it on again but she wouldn't let me do it this time because there were too many people at the beach. After a while we both lied on the beach just letting the waves crashing into us and playing with the sand. This is when she drew a heart in the sand with our initials in it. I looked into her eyes and asked her why she did that, and before she could answer a wave came and washed it away. And just like that the "moment" was gone....
Coming up - "Goodbye my lover"
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Last Hurrah - Part 6
Part 6 - The Talk
We spent the rest of the afternoon at the beach and I'd say that was the highlight of the trip. On the way back we had dinner at a restaurant by the dock and we talked some more before taking the ferry back. I can never be sure whether to take 100% of what she says seriously, but the conversations we had the rest of the day was probably a good indication of what type of person she had become. She asked me several times why I hate her so much, and I told her that after everything she had done to me it should be pretty obvious so she should stop asking. Then she said is it because she is a conniving bitch and I said that's pretty close.
She talked about her new approach to sugar relationship which is more like a stripper/escort approach. That is, to get the most out of a guy and then move on to the next one. Obviously she has gotten what she wanted out of me and she has moved on. She also talked about how to make the new guys fall for her so she can have them in the palm of her hands. I told her she is a "player" and you don't play with a player. And she is playing with fire so sooner or later she will get burned. She mentioned that she has to act "normal" around her new guys. I told her that she is not normal and she only "acts" normal, and that's one thing she is going to miss about me because she can be herself around me.
Prior to the trip she had talked about wanting to "re-negotiate" our arrangement so I asked what that was about. She said her goal is to get $2k a day from the guys that she sees because that's what her escort friends are getting. So surely she should be able get the same or more. I asked her if she has gotten that from anyone yet and she said no. She then said if her new guys can't pony up $2k a day for her then she will just move on. OK, keep digging for the gold! I told her that's another reason why I'm done seeing her, because to me a sugar relationship should be more than just how much money she gets by the hour or day.
By the time we got back to the hotel we were both exhausted so we cleaned up and took a nap until late in the evening. Once we woke up we started our "talk" again. I told her to be careful with what she is doing and who she is doing it with. I'm a nice guy and I'll get over what she did to me, but the next guy may not be so forgiving. I also mentioned some of the women I've been with recently to let her know that I'm moving on as well. And I gave her tips on where her new guys should be taking her, telling her about my past trips to various fun places. I think that opened her eyes a bit and let her know that I'm not as dumb and gullible to her games as it seemed.
I also told her that I kept a journal of our meetings and it certainly got her curiosity going. So I read to her what I wrote about her from the first few meetings. As I read it to her, I reminded her of how things used to be and how she came across to me which is nothing like she is now. She went from a sweet, caring, hard working girl-next-door, to a greedy, demanding, high priced escort and drama queen. She got a bit defensive and gave me her version of what happened in the early days.
Coming up - The Heart in the Sand
We spent the rest of the afternoon at the beach and I'd say that was the highlight of the trip. On the way back we had dinner at a restaurant by the dock and we talked some more before taking the ferry back. I can never be sure whether to take 100% of what she says seriously, but the conversations we had the rest of the day was probably a good indication of what type of person she had become. She asked me several times why I hate her so much, and I told her that after everything she had done to me it should be pretty obvious so she should stop asking. Then she said is it because she is a conniving bitch and I said that's pretty close.
She talked about her new approach to sugar relationship which is more like a stripper/escort approach. That is, to get the most out of a guy and then move on to the next one. Obviously she has gotten what she wanted out of me and she has moved on. She also talked about how to make the new guys fall for her so she can have them in the palm of her hands. I told her she is a "player" and you don't play with a player. And she is playing with fire so sooner or later she will get burned. She mentioned that she has to act "normal" around her new guys. I told her that she is not normal and she only "acts" normal, and that's one thing she is going to miss about me because she can be herself around me.
Prior to the trip she had talked about wanting to "re-negotiate" our arrangement so I asked what that was about. She said her goal is to get $2k a day from the guys that she sees because that's what her escort friends are getting. So surely she should be able get the same or more. I asked her if she has gotten that from anyone yet and she said no. She then said if her new guys can't pony up $2k a day for her then she will just move on. OK, keep digging for the gold! I told her that's another reason why I'm done seeing her, because to me a sugar relationship should be more than just how much money she gets by the hour or day.
By the time we got back to the hotel we were both exhausted so we cleaned up and took a nap until late in the evening. Once we woke up we started our "talk" again. I told her to be careful with what she is doing and who she is doing it with. I'm a nice guy and I'll get over what she did to me, but the next guy may not be so forgiving. I also mentioned some of the women I've been with recently to let her know that I'm moving on as well. And I gave her tips on where her new guys should be taking her, telling her about my past trips to various fun places. I think that opened her eyes a bit and let her know that I'm not as dumb and gullible to her games as it seemed.
I also told her that I kept a journal of our meetings and it certainly got her curiosity going. So I read to her what I wrote about her from the first few meetings. As I read it to her, I reminded her of how things used to be and how she came across to me which is nothing like she is now. She went from a sweet, caring, hard working girl-next-door, to a greedy, demanding, high priced escort and drama queen. She got a bit defensive and gave me her version of what happened in the early days.
Coming up - The Heart in the Sand
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Last Hurrah - Part 5
Part 5 - Sex on the Beach
After three rounds of sex on the second day, I figured I'm finally getting what I want out of her so the trip wasn't a total loss after all. But quite frankly the sexual dynamics have changed. What used to feel like girlfriend sex, whether real or imagined, now feels more like escort sex. The difference is very subtle and the sex is still good, but it's not great and will never be again. Having said that, I woke up next morning horny as hell so I went under the sheets and started to kiss and lick her bottom and legs again and slowly worked my tongue towards her pussy. Since this is the one thing she said she likes about me, I figured I'll just keep at it for as long as I can. Soon she was fully awake dripping wet and ready to go...
After that we got dressed and went down stairs for a leisurely breakfast and talked about what we wanted to do for the day. She mentioned that she wanted to go para sailing, ride a wave runner, or snorkeling. I told her jokingly as long as she picks up the tab she can do whatever she wants and I'll go with her. She gave me a dirty look and then said she just wanted to do one of the three things so she is not that demanding. Then I said fine, we'll go snorkeling at a nearby island since it's the cheapest! LOL... Actually she had told her "munchkin" about the trip and he suggested that she should go snorkeling there because it's one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. I told her that's true since I've been there before, I also told her it's the third time I've been here. Then she was asking repeatedly who I was there with before, and I just gave her a knowing smile without saying anything.
We got dressed and took a taxi to the ferry around noon. It was a short 15-20 minute boat ride and we were enjoying the views along the way. When we got there I asked her if it was the most beautiful beach she's ever seen or what... pure white soft sandy beach, warm turquoise water, and a rock formation in the distance that is teeming with sea life. We got our snorkeling gears and spent a couple of hours swimming around the rock formation. We saw schools of bright fluorescent blue and yellow fishes and came upon thousands of silvery minnows gleaming in the water. It's quite a sight to see these little things swarm around you and suddenly change directions as a group. After all that time in the water I was tired and went back on the beach to rest. She seems to really enjoy being in the water and she stayed in it to play by herself for quite a while after snorkeling. Then I thought I'd join her so I grabbed the disposable camera and asked her to pose in various positions in the water and on the beach and took several shots. She looked very hot and she posed like she knew it!
After taking pictures I was carrying her in the shallow water walking from one end of the beach to another. As we got to the end of the beach there was a secluded area behind some rocks and we lied there and talked for a while and then got in the water again to play. One thing led to the other and she can feel my hard on pressing against her pelvis as she put her arms around my neck and wrapped her legs around my waist. Just as we were about to get it on she noticed the life guard walking towards us so we played it cool until he went away. I guess he just wanted to make sure that we weren't doing anything we were not supposed to do. Anyway, she wrapped her legs around me again and.... Doing it in salt waster wasn't the most comfortable nor the most pleasant, but it sure was thrilling and got our adrenaline going. Carrying her in the water and fucking her at the same time took some coordination on my part, but soon we got into a rhythm and we were both enjoying this little escapade in paradise... and then we both lied down on the beach to catch our breath.
Coming up - The Talk.
After three rounds of sex on the second day, I figured I'm finally getting what I want out of her so the trip wasn't a total loss after all. But quite frankly the sexual dynamics have changed. What used to feel like girlfriend sex, whether real or imagined, now feels more like escort sex. The difference is very subtle and the sex is still good, but it's not great and will never be again. Having said that, I woke up next morning horny as hell so I went under the sheets and started to kiss and lick her bottom and legs again and slowly worked my tongue towards her pussy. Since this is the one thing she said she likes about me, I figured I'll just keep at it for as long as I can. Soon she was fully awake dripping wet and ready to go...
After that we got dressed and went down stairs for a leisurely breakfast and talked about what we wanted to do for the day. She mentioned that she wanted to go para sailing, ride a wave runner, or snorkeling. I told her jokingly as long as she picks up the tab she can do whatever she wants and I'll go with her. She gave me a dirty look and then said she just wanted to do one of the three things so she is not that demanding. Then I said fine, we'll go snorkeling at a nearby island since it's the cheapest! LOL... Actually she had told her "munchkin" about the trip and he suggested that she should go snorkeling there because it's one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. I told her that's true since I've been there before, I also told her it's the third time I've been here. Then she was asking repeatedly who I was there with before, and I just gave her a knowing smile without saying anything.
We got dressed and took a taxi to the ferry around noon. It was a short 15-20 minute boat ride and we were enjoying the views along the way. When we got there I asked her if it was the most beautiful beach she's ever seen or what... pure white soft sandy beach, warm turquoise water, and a rock formation in the distance that is teeming with sea life. We got our snorkeling gears and spent a couple of hours swimming around the rock formation. We saw schools of bright fluorescent blue and yellow fishes and came upon thousands of silvery minnows gleaming in the water. It's quite a sight to see these little things swarm around you and suddenly change directions as a group. After all that time in the water I was tired and went back on the beach to rest. She seems to really enjoy being in the water and she stayed in it to play by herself for quite a while after snorkeling. Then I thought I'd join her so I grabbed the disposable camera and asked her to pose in various positions in the water and on the beach and took several shots. She looked very hot and she posed like she knew it!
After taking pictures I was carrying her in the shallow water walking from one end of the beach to another. As we got to the end of the beach there was a secluded area behind some rocks and we lied there and talked for a while and then got in the water again to play. One thing led to the other and she can feel my hard on pressing against her pelvis as she put her arms around my neck and wrapped her legs around my waist. Just as we were about to get it on she noticed the life guard walking towards us so we played it cool until he went away. I guess he just wanted to make sure that we weren't doing anything we were not supposed to do. Anyway, she wrapped her legs around me again and.... Doing it in salt waster wasn't the most comfortable nor the most pleasant, but it sure was thrilling and got our adrenaline going. Carrying her in the water and fucking her at the same time took some coordination on my part, but soon we got into a rhythm and we were both enjoying this little escapade in paradise... and then we both lied down on the beach to catch our breath.
Coming up - The Talk.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Last Hurrah - Part 4
Part 4 - The Munchkin
One thing that pissed her off about the munchkin was that he was taking her to dinner to meet some friends, and he was going to buy the same exact dress for her to wear as for another girl he took to dinner to meet the same friends the week before. I just laughed and told her to get used to being one of many. I also said that's one of the reasons why I'm done seeing her because I don't want to be one of many. Some guys might be ok with that, but I'm not. She said she started to drink because of him, he likes to order lots of expensive wine and drinks every time they go out so she might as well take advantage of it. I told her she is turning into a lush! LOL...
Then I asked her why she calls him "munchkin" and she didn't really want to say, but finally blurted out that he is much older than her and short and round like a munchkin. I told her nobody will ever mistaken them for boyfriends and girlfriends like when I'm with her, and she is clearly a "paid companion" when she is with him. Ok... so her love of money is stronger than I expected but why am I not surprised.
After listening to her complaining about the munchkin we decided to go back to the room to clean up and get ready to go into town. We took a shower together and I told her we hadn't done that in months, and other than sex it was the most sensual thing we did together during the trip. After the shower I got her on the bed, spread her legs and started to eat her pussy and suck her clit. It's been a while since I made her cum with oral and I was determined to do it again since she told me I was the only one that could.
She was clearly enjoying what I was doing and started to moan softly and held my hands tight. After a while I quickened the pace and put my fingers in her to rub the g-spot and she started to gyrate her hips up and down and from side to side. I kept pace with her gyration and I can feel her pussy start to tighten around my fingers and it didn't take long for her to shudder uncontrollably, squeezed her legs tight around my head and begged me to stop. Then she said this is the one thing that she is going to miss about me. I guess I'll take that as a compliment! After that she returnd the favor and took good care of me and made sure my needs were met.
After we rested for a while we took a hotel boat into town. The town is famous for its duty free shopping, but as we walked around she wasn't all that interested in the fancy jewelry and designer clothing shops. She was actually more interested in the street vendors under the tents selling knock off name brand handbags. She took a lot of time going through each stand and figuring out what she wants to get for her family and friends. After a couple hours of browsing she didn't end up buying anything so we went back to the hotel and took a nap. After the nap we went down stairs to have dinner at the restaurant by the pool. She did her hair and make up and looked stunning even though she wasn't dressed up.
During dinner we talked about her exploits again and this time I was trying to explain why I thought what she did when she came to see me was so evil. After some back and forth I think she was able to see my point of view but she didn't apologize. Anyway, we had a nice dinner and then took a walk along the beach under the stars holding hands and dipping our toes in the water. As we held each other tight and looking up at the stars I thought this is supposed to be the stuff dreams are made of, but now I know it's just an illusion.
Back in the room I undressed her and got her in a 69 position with her on top. This went on for a while and I was able to bring her close several times but she couldn't quite get to the big "O". So she told me to fuck her and I proceeded to do it in multiple positions. After that I sensed she was not quite done yet, so I started to eat her pussy again and this time was able to bring her to the big "O" quickly and it was much more intense than earlier. After we cleaned up we crashed on the bed in each other's arms. So consider how the first night ended, the second day went much better. The sex was good but not as great as it used to be, and it will ever be the same again.
Coming up - sex on the beach!
One thing that pissed her off about the munchkin was that he was taking her to dinner to meet some friends, and he was going to buy the same exact dress for her to wear as for another girl he took to dinner to meet the same friends the week before. I just laughed and told her to get used to being one of many. I also said that's one of the reasons why I'm done seeing her because I don't want to be one of many. Some guys might be ok with that, but I'm not. She said she started to drink because of him, he likes to order lots of expensive wine and drinks every time they go out so she might as well take advantage of it. I told her she is turning into a lush! LOL...
Then I asked her why she calls him "munchkin" and she didn't really want to say, but finally blurted out that he is much older than her and short and round like a munchkin. I told her nobody will ever mistaken them for boyfriends and girlfriends like when I'm with her, and she is clearly a "paid companion" when she is with him. Ok... so her love of money is stronger than I expected but why am I not surprised.
After listening to her complaining about the munchkin we decided to go back to the room to clean up and get ready to go into town. We took a shower together and I told her we hadn't done that in months, and other than sex it was the most sensual thing we did together during the trip. After the shower I got her on the bed, spread her legs and started to eat her pussy and suck her clit. It's been a while since I made her cum with oral and I was determined to do it again since she told me I was the only one that could.
She was clearly enjoying what I was doing and started to moan softly and held my hands tight. After a while I quickened the pace and put my fingers in her to rub the g-spot and she started to gyrate her hips up and down and from side to side. I kept pace with her gyration and I can feel her pussy start to tighten around my fingers and it didn't take long for her to shudder uncontrollably, squeezed her legs tight around my head and begged me to stop. Then she said this is the one thing that she is going to miss about me. I guess I'll take that as a compliment! After that she returnd the favor and took good care of me and made sure my needs were met.
After we rested for a while we took a hotel boat into town. The town is famous for its duty free shopping, but as we walked around she wasn't all that interested in the fancy jewelry and designer clothing shops. She was actually more interested in the street vendors under the tents selling knock off name brand handbags. She took a lot of time going through each stand and figuring out what she wants to get for her family and friends. After a couple hours of browsing she didn't end up buying anything so we went back to the hotel and took a nap. After the nap we went down stairs to have dinner at the restaurant by the pool. She did her hair and make up and looked stunning even though she wasn't dressed up.
During dinner we talked about her exploits again and this time I was trying to explain why I thought what she did when she came to see me was so evil. After some back and forth I think she was able to see my point of view but she didn't apologize. Anyway, we had a nice dinner and then took a walk along the beach under the stars holding hands and dipping our toes in the water. As we held each other tight and looking up at the stars I thought this is supposed to be the stuff dreams are made of, but now I know it's just an illusion.
Back in the room I undressed her and got her in a 69 position with her on top. This went on for a while and I was able to bring her close several times but she couldn't quite get to the big "O". So she told me to fuck her and I proceeded to do it in multiple positions. After that I sensed she was not quite done yet, so I started to eat her pussy again and this time was able to bring her to the big "O" quickly and it was much more intense than earlier. After we cleaned up we crashed on the bed in each other's arms. So consider how the first night ended, the second day went much better. The sex was good but not as great as it used to be, and it will ever be the same again.
Coming up - sex on the beach!
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Last Hurrah - Part 3
Part 3 - A New Day
I wasn't expecting much on the second day after we ended up sleeping separately the night before. Even though I was tired I didn't sleep very well. She was all covered up and didn't move much and was quiet through the night sleeping on the lounge chair. I got up before sunrise and went out on the balcony to enjoy the view. Our room overlooks the Caribbean and the harbor where cruise ships dock. As the sun came up the view was spectacular and I enjoyed my moment of solitude in paradise.
Then I thought, despite what happened so far I'm going to make the best of it and get what I can out of her. So I went back in the room to wake her up by removing her cover and squeezing myself on the lounge chair with her. She slept in the nude but told me to go away, so I just started to kiss and lick her bottom and legs. After a while I got her warmed up pretty good and ready to go. But then she said we're not having sex because we're enemies. To which I replied "it's just business, don't take it personal." That's a line she used on me before so I'm just returning the favor. Finally she relented and I took out a bottle of lube to get started. She took a look at it and said this thing is already opened and what did I use it for. I just gave her a knowing wink and left it at that. Anyway, the sex was very satisfying and I can see why she had no problem getting top dollars doing her "escorting" on the side.
After that we got dressed and got ready to have breakfast on the terrace that overlooks the harbor. But as we went through our luggage we discovered that the Chanel sunglasses I got her was stolen, and my digital camera was missing. I guess the luggage screeners swiped the most expensive things from our luggage! Undaunted, we went down to the gift shop to get her new sunglasses and I got a disposable camera to take pictures (more about the camera later).
When we got to breakfast two cruise ships have arrived and it was quite a sight in the harbor. We enjoyed the food and the view leisurely and then headed to the beach. She was very playful in the water, pretending to be a mermaid and singing songs from the movie Little Mermaid. I think she really enjoys the water and the sand and was having a great time. On the beach she told me to dig a hole for her and cover her up in the sand with only her head sticking out. I did that and then used the sand to make two huge boobs to put on top of her and left her there. It was hilarious to look at and people walking by were doing double takes, and of course I took a few pictures.
By now the sun was getting very strong so we decided to retreat to the pool and hang out under the shade. She wanted something to drink so I got her a daiquiri from the bar and asked her when did she start drinking because she rarely drank when she was with me. This is when she told me a lot more about her "new guy" who she nicknamed the "munchkin". They first met when he was in her town for business and spent an overnight together. The second time was a week before our Caribbean trip when he flew her out to LA for 2 nights.
From what she said this guy is clearly loaded. He stayed at the most expensive hotels and the hotel bathrobe had his monogram on it. He sends her a car service to take her to/from the airport. In addition to the cash she also got gifts and went shopping. He flew her first class and in LA they stayed at the villas in the Peninsula which is not too shabby. But clearly she is just one of many girls he sees but it doesn't bother her as long as the money was right. He even showed her pics of other girls he was seeing and asked her about being exclusive. So she was trying to figure out a good number to ask for to be exclusive. I told her it won't matter what she comes up with because she is not going to be exclusive with anyone for any price. That's just not in her.
Coming up, more about the munchkin.
I wasn't expecting much on the second day after we ended up sleeping separately the night before. Even though I was tired I didn't sleep very well. She was all covered up and didn't move much and was quiet through the night sleeping on the lounge chair. I got up before sunrise and went out on the balcony to enjoy the view. Our room overlooks the Caribbean and the harbor where cruise ships dock. As the sun came up the view was spectacular and I enjoyed my moment of solitude in paradise.
Then I thought, despite what happened so far I'm going to make the best of it and get what I can out of her. So I went back in the room to wake her up by removing her cover and squeezing myself on the lounge chair with her. She slept in the nude but told me to go away, so I just started to kiss and lick her bottom and legs. After a while I got her warmed up pretty good and ready to go. But then she said we're not having sex because we're enemies. To which I replied "it's just business, don't take it personal." That's a line she used on me before so I'm just returning the favor. Finally she relented and I took out a bottle of lube to get started. She took a look at it and said this thing is already opened and what did I use it for. I just gave her a knowing wink and left it at that. Anyway, the sex was very satisfying and I can see why she had no problem getting top dollars doing her "escorting" on the side.
After that we got dressed and got ready to have breakfast on the terrace that overlooks the harbor. But as we went through our luggage we discovered that the Chanel sunglasses I got her was stolen, and my digital camera was missing. I guess the luggage screeners swiped the most expensive things from our luggage! Undaunted, we went down to the gift shop to get her new sunglasses and I got a disposable camera to take pictures (more about the camera later).
When we got to breakfast two cruise ships have arrived and it was quite a sight in the harbor. We enjoyed the food and the view leisurely and then headed to the beach. She was very playful in the water, pretending to be a mermaid and singing songs from the movie Little Mermaid. I think she really enjoys the water and the sand and was having a great time. On the beach she told me to dig a hole for her and cover her up in the sand with only her head sticking out. I did that and then used the sand to make two huge boobs to put on top of her and left her there. It was hilarious to look at and people walking by were doing double takes, and of course I took a few pictures.
By now the sun was getting very strong so we decided to retreat to the pool and hang out under the shade. She wanted something to drink so I got her a daiquiri from the bar and asked her when did she start drinking because she rarely drank when she was with me. This is when she told me a lot more about her "new guy" who she nicknamed the "munchkin". They first met when he was in her town for business and spent an overnight together. The second time was a week before our Caribbean trip when he flew her out to LA for 2 nights.
From what she said this guy is clearly loaded. He stayed at the most expensive hotels and the hotel bathrobe had his monogram on it. He sends her a car service to take her to/from the airport. In addition to the cash she also got gifts and went shopping. He flew her first class and in LA they stayed at the villas in the Peninsula which is not too shabby. But clearly she is just one of many girls he sees but it doesn't bother her as long as the money was right. He even showed her pics of other girls he was seeing and asked her about being exclusive. So she was trying to figure out a good number to ask for to be exclusive. I told her it won't matter what she comes up with because she is not going to be exclusive with anyone for any price. That's just not in her.
Coming up, more about the munchkin.
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Last Hurrah - Part 2
Part 2 - Being Evil
When we finally got to our destination we were both exhausted. We stayed at a posh resort on a cliff that overlooks the Caribbean and I got a suite on the top floor with a balcony. We couldn't see much at night but I knew the views would be breathtaking during the day. She wasted no time getting into her bikinis wanting to go check out the beach in the dark. So off we went and played in the water late at night when no one else was around. We were really enjoying ourselves on the secluded beach and floating in the warm water looking up at the stars above. It was very romantic and we held hands and held each other tight. After a while we decided to go to the pool and eventually ended up at the hot tub. This is where we picked up our conversation again about her exploits and things took a turn for the worse.
We talked about the guy she met in the same city as me and she came clean about what happened. She came to visit me twice and both times she insisted on buying her own airline ticket. When she bought her own ticket I usually make up for it by shopping and gifts. After the first visit I was surprised that she wanted to come back again two weeks later. I even offered to visit her instead but she insisted that she will come see me. But this time right before the trip she asked me to send her money to help pay for the ticket. Actually it was more like a threat as in she won't come if I didn't send her the money even though she was the one that insisted to come see me in the first place. Anyway, I sent her the money because she said she bought the ticket last minute and it was going to cost more than normal.
When she arrived she said she packed in a hurry and just threw in a bunch a stuff in her luggage which was probably more than she needs. Hmmmm, ok. On the morning of her departure she spent quite some time putting on make up and doing her hair which I thought was odd for that early in the morning. When I took her to the airport she told me not to come in. But I insisted and walked her into the terminal, then she got very upset so I just left. I'm sure you know where I'm going with this. On that trip she met another guy for money after I dropped her off at the airport! He didn't want to pay for her ticket so she tricked me into paying for it. How low was that?
But that's not the worst part. The worst part was that she didn't see nothing wrong with what she did. She said if I paid for the ticket for her to come out, what difference does it make that she ended up staying an extra day with another guy for money (as if, what's the big deal if I wasn't the one getting sloppy seconds?). At this point I've had enough and told her to fuck off and called her "evil". Then I got out of the hot tub to walk back to the room. Not wanting to be locked out, she followed me closely back to the room. I took a shower and when I came out she had a made a bed out of the lounge chair and covered herself up under a blanket. Without saying a word I went to sleep on the bed thinking what the fuck am I doing here. What a way to start the trip!!
Coming up, Part 3 - A New Day
When we finally got to our destination we were both exhausted. We stayed at a posh resort on a cliff that overlooks the Caribbean and I got a suite on the top floor with a balcony. We couldn't see much at night but I knew the views would be breathtaking during the day. She wasted no time getting into her bikinis wanting to go check out the beach in the dark. So off we went and played in the water late at night when no one else was around. We were really enjoying ourselves on the secluded beach and floating in the warm water looking up at the stars above. It was very romantic and we held hands and held each other tight. After a while we decided to go to the pool and eventually ended up at the hot tub. This is where we picked up our conversation again about her exploits and things took a turn for the worse.
We talked about the guy she met in the same city as me and she came clean about what happened. She came to visit me twice and both times she insisted on buying her own airline ticket. When she bought her own ticket I usually make up for it by shopping and gifts. After the first visit I was surprised that she wanted to come back again two weeks later. I even offered to visit her instead but she insisted that she will come see me. But this time right before the trip she asked me to send her money to help pay for the ticket. Actually it was more like a threat as in she won't come if I didn't send her the money even though she was the one that insisted to come see me in the first place. Anyway, I sent her the money because she said she bought the ticket last minute and it was going to cost more than normal.
When she arrived she said she packed in a hurry and just threw in a bunch a stuff in her luggage which was probably more than she needs. Hmmmm, ok. On the morning of her departure she spent quite some time putting on make up and doing her hair which I thought was odd for that early in the morning. When I took her to the airport she told me not to come in. But I insisted and walked her into the terminal, then she got very upset so I just left. I'm sure you know where I'm going with this. On that trip she met another guy for money after I dropped her off at the airport! He didn't want to pay for her ticket so she tricked me into paying for it. How low was that?
But that's not the worst part. The worst part was that she didn't see nothing wrong with what she did. She said if I paid for the ticket for her to come out, what difference does it make that she ended up staying an extra day with another guy for money (as if, what's the big deal if I wasn't the one getting sloppy seconds?). At this point I've had enough and told her to fuck off and called her "evil". Then I got out of the hot tub to walk back to the room. Not wanting to be locked out, she followed me closely back to the room. I took a shower and when I came out she had a made a bed out of the lounge chair and covered herself up under a blanket. Without saying a word I went to sleep on the bed thinking what the fuck am I doing here. What a way to start the trip!!
Coming up, Part 3 - A New Day
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Last Hurrah - Part 1
Part 1 - An Ominous Beginning
I called the Caribbean trip our grand finale, "Laine" (not her real name) called it our Last Hurrah. Whatever it's called, it was a trip to be remembered.
Prior to the trip she had never missed a flight or a meeting in six months, but I guess there is a first time for everything. I talked to her the night of her departure for about an hour while she was packing and we hung up about two hours before her redeye flight to meet me. At around 2am she called to tell me that she is cutting it too close, she just parked her car and waiting for the shuttle to the terminal. About 15 minutes later I got the bad news, the check-in counter was officially closed and they wouldn't let her on the flight.
She offered to give me a "refund" and not go on the trip, but I had put too much money and effort into it to just give up. I told her to go home and I'll call her back with our options. After spending some time with the airline on the phone, I was able to rebook her for a morning flight to Miami and I changed my flights to meet her there. We'll still get to the destination on the same day but 7 hours later than planned at 10pm instead of 3pm. Needless to say I didn't get any sleep at all because I had my flight to catch early in the morning and I had to wait four hours for her to arrive in Miami.
By the time she arrived in Miami I wasn't in the best of mood for many reasons. We talked but she can sense that I was kind of cold and distant. But once we got on the flight to San Juan she was being her usual self, playful and funny, and we had some enjoyable moments. But as always we went from enjoying each other's company to being at each other's throat in no time. By the time we got to San Juan and waiting for the next flight we weren't talking again.
My original plan was to play dumb for a few days and then confront her on the last day with all the games she played on me in the past. But it didn't quite work out that way. Prior to the trip we had talked only twice on the phone in two weeks which was far less often than how things used to be. She mentioned the week before the trip she was going to be busy because there were several guys wanting to see her. To make a long story short, on our way there she told me about several more guys that she was seeing for money, including someone in the same city as me and her "new guy" which is her new SD that appeared to be loaded (more about both of them later).
Basically the extent of her "escorting" on the side was far greater than I could have imagined. She had gone from a hard working person who worked six days a week, to quitting her day job to spend more time on "escorting". Clearly she wasn't the same person I met six months ago. I originally found her on, but now she has a profile on a site called "SeekingArrangement" and that's where she met her new SD. Apparently her escort friends told her about it and they're all having a lot of luck with that site. I had already found her profile there so it wasn't a big surprise to me.
Coming up, being evil...
I called the Caribbean trip our grand finale, "Laine" (not her real name) called it our Last Hurrah. Whatever it's called, it was a trip to be remembered.
Prior to the trip she had never missed a flight or a meeting in six months, but I guess there is a first time for everything. I talked to her the night of her departure for about an hour while she was packing and we hung up about two hours before her redeye flight to meet me. At around 2am she called to tell me that she is cutting it too close, she just parked her car and waiting for the shuttle to the terminal. About 15 minutes later I got the bad news, the check-in counter was officially closed and they wouldn't let her on the flight.
She offered to give me a "refund" and not go on the trip, but I had put too much money and effort into it to just give up. I told her to go home and I'll call her back with our options. After spending some time with the airline on the phone, I was able to rebook her for a morning flight to Miami and I changed my flights to meet her there. We'll still get to the destination on the same day but 7 hours later than planned at 10pm instead of 3pm. Needless to say I didn't get any sleep at all because I had my flight to catch early in the morning and I had to wait four hours for her to arrive in Miami.
By the time she arrived in Miami I wasn't in the best of mood for many reasons. We talked but she can sense that I was kind of cold and distant. But once we got on the flight to San Juan she was being her usual self, playful and funny, and we had some enjoyable moments. But as always we went from enjoying each other's company to being at each other's throat in no time. By the time we got to San Juan and waiting for the next flight we weren't talking again.
My original plan was to play dumb for a few days and then confront her on the last day with all the games she played on me in the past. But it didn't quite work out that way. Prior to the trip we had talked only twice on the phone in two weeks which was far less often than how things used to be. She mentioned the week before the trip she was going to be busy because there were several guys wanting to see her. To make a long story short, on our way there she told me about several more guys that she was seeing for money, including someone in the same city as me and her "new guy" which is her new SD that appeared to be loaded (more about both of them later).
Basically the extent of her "escorting" on the side was far greater than I could have imagined. She had gone from a hard working person who worked six days a week, to quitting her day job to spend more time on "escorting". Clearly she wasn't the same person I met six months ago. I originally found her on, but now she has a profile on a site called "SeekingArrangement" and that's where she met her new SD. Apparently her escort friends told her about it and they're all having a lot of luck with that site. I had already found her profile there so it wasn't a big surprise to me.
Coming up, being evil...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Last Hurrah - Prolog
When you read "The Last Hurrah" it will feel like watching the end of a soap opera without knowing how it started and what had happened over time. The story is about how I broke up with a former SB during a trip to the Caribbean after a drama filled six month relationship.
Did I know it was going to be "The Last Hurrah" before the trip? Yes we knew and we mutually agreed to end it this way. I prefer to go out on top instead of breaking up after a big fight, but it still ended in a train wreck anyway. The truth is, prior to the trip I found out more about her games through old fashioned sleuth work. And I totally underestimated the lies and deception that went on. I can't say that I was shocked because there were plenty of clues and in some ways it merely re-enforced what I suspected and what I already knew.
But I was in denial until the very end.
In this particular case, my former SB used "sex" to play many mind games with me to her advantage. Leaving out the sexual content in the context of the story would be like telling only half the story. So this is a story of sex, lies, deception, and betrayal. Stop reading now if you are offended by tmi, sexual content, adult situation, and strong language. Keep in mind the usual disclaimers apply. I will do my best to keep things in good taste but I know it will not please everyone.
Maybe someday I'll go back and fill in the blanks and make this a complete story from beginning to end. But for now I hope you'll enjoy reading "The Last Hurrah".
Did I know it was going to be "The Last Hurrah" before the trip? Yes we knew and we mutually agreed to end it this way. I prefer to go out on top instead of breaking up after a big fight, but it still ended in a train wreck anyway. The truth is, prior to the trip I found out more about her games through old fashioned sleuth work. And I totally underestimated the lies and deception that went on. I can't say that I was shocked because there were plenty of clues and in some ways it merely re-enforced what I suspected and what I already knew.
But I was in denial until the very end.
In this particular case, my former SB used "sex" to play many mind games with me to her advantage. Leaving out the sexual content in the context of the story would be like telling only half the story. So this is a story of sex, lies, deception, and betrayal. Stop reading now if you are offended by tmi, sexual content, adult situation, and strong language. Keep in mind the usual disclaimers apply. I will do my best to keep things in good taste but I know it will not please everyone.
Maybe someday I'll go back and fill in the blanks and make this a complete story from beginning to end. But for now I hope you'll enjoy reading "The Last Hurrah".
Friday, September 3, 2010
Evolution of a Sugardaddy - Part 6
Part 6 - Getting emotionally involved for the last time
The story of "Mixing Love and Sugar" set me back emotionally for quite a while but eventually I got over it and moved on. But it still didn't prepare me for what happened a year later. My second "long term" SB was in her mid twenty's at the time and it was a long distance relationship. We met about twice a month for six months. During the first three months it was a combination of allowance and gifts, but after that she became more interested in having a steady allowance so for the next three months I went to an allowance only arrangement. It was the first time that I provided an on-going allowance and it marked a turning point in my thinking as I gradually went away from the gift/travel aspect and focused more on allowance only.
After a great start where she behaved more like a caring and loving girlfriend who was genuinely interested in me as a person, the relationship became full of drama and spiraled out of control and I had to end it during a trip to the Caribbean. She turned out to be a conniving, manipulative drama queen and an escort wannabe who was looking for the highest bidder. Why I didn't see the train wreck coming was beyond me, and I should have heeded the advice of others and ended it sooner. I'll write about the story of our breakup titled "The Last Hurrah" next.
Another turning point in my thinking was that I completely gave up on the "emotional involvement" aspect of being a SD. I was not very good at making things last long term at the time (ie more than 6 months) nor being able to handle the emotional attachment when it develops. So why make it harder on myself and be miserable when I should just focus on having fun and enjoy the NSA aspect of a sugar relationship.
At about this time sugar dating started to become part of popular culture with plenty of exposure in the main stream media. And the popularity of sugardaddy dating sites increased dramatically with a huge number of new members signing up every day. As a result, I stopped searching all over the country and fly in potential SB's for a first meeting because of the costs and risks involved as I have explained previously. Instead, I focused on searching locally and at the places I travel to regularly for business. With an abundance of new pot SB's available I had to narrow my demographic criteria to make the search more manageable. Then as evolved into more of a regular dating site, I transitioned to when it came on the scene and it would eventually become my primary source to search for pot SB's.
Coming up - Where I am today
The story of "Mixing Love and Sugar" set me back emotionally for quite a while but eventually I got over it and moved on. But it still didn't prepare me for what happened a year later. My second "long term" SB was in her mid twenty's at the time and it was a long distance relationship. We met about twice a month for six months. During the first three months it was a combination of allowance and gifts, but after that she became more interested in having a steady allowance so for the next three months I went to an allowance only arrangement. It was the first time that I provided an on-going allowance and it marked a turning point in my thinking as I gradually went away from the gift/travel aspect and focused more on allowance only.
After a great start where she behaved more like a caring and loving girlfriend who was genuinely interested in me as a person, the relationship became full of drama and spiraled out of control and I had to end it during a trip to the Caribbean. She turned out to be a conniving, manipulative drama queen and an escort wannabe who was looking for the highest bidder. Why I didn't see the train wreck coming was beyond me, and I should have heeded the advice of others and ended it sooner. I'll write about the story of our breakup titled "The Last Hurrah" next.
Another turning point in my thinking was that I completely gave up on the "emotional involvement" aspect of being a SD. I was not very good at making things last long term at the time (ie more than 6 months) nor being able to handle the emotional attachment when it develops. So why make it harder on myself and be miserable when I should just focus on having fun and enjoy the NSA aspect of a sugar relationship.
At about this time sugar dating started to become part of popular culture with plenty of exposure in the main stream media. And the popularity of sugardaddy dating sites increased dramatically with a huge number of new members signing up every day. As a result, I stopped searching all over the country and fly in potential SB's for a first meeting because of the costs and risks involved as I have explained previously. Instead, I focused on searching locally and at the places I travel to regularly for business. With an abundance of new pot SB's available I had to narrow my demographic criteria to make the search more manageable. Then as evolved into more of a regular dating site, I transitioned to when it came on the scene and it would eventually become my primary source to search for pot SB's.
Coming up - Where I am today
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Mixing Love and Sugar - Part 9
Part 9 - Life Goes On
"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." That's how I felt when I finally pieced together all the information I had and got to the bottom of the rabbit hole. Although I felt liberated and motivated to move on, I can't help but think about how the experience has affected me as a person and the way I approached my next sugar relationship.
I appreciated all the support, opinion, and advice I received from several SD/SB "friends". Of course they all told me to put her out of my mind and move on. But it wasn't that simple. She, or more accurately the idea of her, was still on my mind subconsciously. I found myself comparing every pot SB I met to her since I still had a picture of her as the prefect SB in my mind.
This of course was unfair to the pot SB's I met and unfair to myself because the person I thought I knew never really existed.
One of my SD friends asked me some probing questions. "Had you known she was doing this, would you have felt the same way about her?" Well, of course not. Had I known that it was all a game to her, I would have played along and never fell for her. "If you had found out what's really going on, would that have changed the outcome?" Probably not, because the outcome wasn't really in my control.
She was playing her game and I was just a piece of the puzzle or a bump on the road to her.
Then he had some words of wisdom for me. He said that I needed to change my opinion of her because the perfect image that I created in my mind never existed. I need to see her as who she really was, a ruthless "player" who used and manipulated men for her own goals. She was seeing three SD's at the same time and made each one believe that he was the only one for her and made them fall for her. She was a habitual liar and concocted an elaborate alternate reality for those around her. She was incapable of telling the truth to deal with reality.
She had some real issues that she needed to deal with herself.
Until I truly get over her, I will not find what I was looking for because I was focused on the shortcomings of the pot SB's I met and comparing them to someone who doesn't exist. Instead, I should focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the pot SBs and evaluate them on their own merit. Those words of wisdom may sound like common sense, but it was a revelation for me at the time. Even though I thought I had moved on by finding out the truth, the fact is that I hadn't. I still had happy memories of my time together with her and the sweet things she said to me.
I finally had to find a way to look deep within myself and admit those memories don't really exist.
In the mean time, life goes on.
The end.
"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." That's how I felt when I finally pieced together all the information I had and got to the bottom of the rabbit hole. Although I felt liberated and motivated to move on, I can't help but think about how the experience has affected me as a person and the way I approached my next sugar relationship.
I appreciated all the support, opinion, and advice I received from several SD/SB "friends". Of course they all told me to put her out of my mind and move on. But it wasn't that simple. She, or more accurately the idea of her, was still on my mind subconsciously. I found myself comparing every pot SB I met to her since I still had a picture of her as the prefect SB in my mind.
This of course was unfair to the pot SB's I met and unfair to myself because the person I thought I knew never really existed.
One of my SD friends asked me some probing questions. "Had you known she was doing this, would you have felt the same way about her?" Well, of course not. Had I known that it was all a game to her, I would have played along and never fell for her. "If you had found out what's really going on, would that have changed the outcome?" Probably not, because the outcome wasn't really in my control.
She was playing her game and I was just a piece of the puzzle or a bump on the road to her.
Then he had some words of wisdom for me. He said that I needed to change my opinion of her because the perfect image that I created in my mind never existed. I need to see her as who she really was, a ruthless "player" who used and manipulated men for her own goals. She was seeing three SD's at the same time and made each one believe that he was the only one for her and made them fall for her. She was a habitual liar and concocted an elaborate alternate reality for those around her. She was incapable of telling the truth to deal with reality.
She had some real issues that she needed to deal with herself.
Until I truly get over her, I will not find what I was looking for because I was focused on the shortcomings of the pot SB's I met and comparing them to someone who doesn't exist. Instead, I should focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the pot SBs and evaluate them on their own merit. Those words of wisdom may sound like common sense, but it was a revelation for me at the time. Even though I thought I had moved on by finding out the truth, the fact is that I hadn't. I still had happy memories of my time together with her and the sweet things she said to me.
I finally had to find a way to look deep within myself and admit those memories don't really exist.
In the mean time, life goes on.
The end.
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